She had a long day, a normal day, a productive day. A day filled with errands and laundry and work and chores. Of living and breathing and getting by. Of being fine. She sees great in people and things… in hearts and in beings. Her soul thrives on the contagious smile. She is beautiful and she has no idea.
Caution Series - Collage Art by Grafik Girl


She fills her ears with music and drowns out the world. She fills her arms with hugs and transcends time. She opens her heart and shares her truth, spreading passion and excitement for all things light. She is wise and she has no idea.

She can bike for miles. Dance for days. Lift twenty things in her arms. Be present in 12 places at once. She can jump out of bed with the upmost enthusiasm on the dreariest of days. She is so strong and she has no idea.

She loves to live and lives to love. She is a hopeless romantic by nature. On the rare occasion you have intrigued her, she radiates from the inside out. She trips, she falls, she’s in. She remembers everything you say. You feel like the only person in a room full of people. She looks into you like water and sees rainbows. She is love and she has no idea.


Her long day ended and she entered her empty house to the smell of delicious flowers and happiness. It was her smell and she had an idea. She took the headphones out of her ears and was overjoyed by the beat of her own heart and she had an idea. She kicked off her shoes to unwind and was overcome with life’s divine energy and she had an idea. She blinked her eye to stop a tear that he did not deserve and she KNEW. If he can’t see the beauty in her, then he is the one with no idea.



Written by Vanessa Fuller @vanessafullerdance // Inspired by "Caution Collage Art Tee" // Collage Illustrations by @grafikg